Get Ready Cause Here It Comes…..New Membership Sign-Up Website In Testing Mode

Jan 06

As you may have heard, AmeriPlan USA has been developing a new membership sign-up website. Your comments and feedback are appreciated.

The new “Membership” or “Product Only” website is mobile and tablet friendly. The main feature of the new site is the ability to allow anyone to sign up directly through the website with No Delays, No Waiting Period, No Hassles!

The new website will authorize ALL IBOs to use the site applying their personal AmeriPlan IBO En-roller Number. Fast, Secure and Simple!

As we move forward, the new “Membership” site will be designed strictly as a “Product” website featuring three main AmeriPlan products; Dental Plus, MD Plus and Healthcare; and will highlight the savings and value these products offer. Our additional goal is to keep the current site, blog and social networks that are connected to that site separate and opportunity driven.

The new site will also allow us, AmeriPlan Corp and ALL IBOs, to compete in the online marketing internet world at a smoother, more efficient pace offering the great AmeriPlan Products directly to the consumer.

We are currently in testing mode and are reviewing content legalities, evaluating advertising and setting up new social network pages. It has been a challenge but the new website will be a win, win for AmeriPlan Corporation and all the IBO’s who have made this company a success!

Get excited! Change is good and it will be here soon!



  1. Terrific! I’m excited to see it!

  2. kheti jagasia /

    Waiting om my web site so I can sign up few IBO’S.

    • Hello Kheti,
      If you have acquired a domain name from a Registered Hosting Company like; Go Daddy, Host Gator, for example, your next step is to direct your personal domain name to an AmeriPlan website. Please contact IBO Support: (469) 229-4501 opt. 3. They should be able to provide you with the info you need to complete this process.

      Directing, or pointing your domain name to an AmeriPlan IBO website(s) will be handled by you, the IBO. This procedure will take place at the Domain Registered Hosting Company where your domain was purchased. If you cannot find where to direct your domain name, call the Domain Registered Customer Support line and have them show you where to place it.

      Hope this info helps.
      AmeriPlan Corp

  3. kheti jagasia /

    Waiting for my web address.

  4. That’s great news! Thanks 🙂

  5. Michelle Stefferson /

    Wooo Hooo! AWESOME!

  6. Awesome!! Thanks AmeriPlan!

  7. Debbie Hanson /

    Wonderful news, Thank you!!!

  8. Thank you so much for all your feedback. Please note, the NEW site is strictly for AmeriPlan Product Sign Up, not IBO Sign Up or any opportunity based business. All opportunity or AmeriPlan IBO business will be kept separate.

    If you need help setting up your personal IBO website, please contact IBO Support: (469) 229-4501 opt. 3.

    Thank You,
    AmeriPlan Corp

  9. Ghislaine (Gee) Smith /

    So excited about the good news and all the changes that will take place. Thank you so much and Happy New Year!

  10. Patti Triplett /

    This is beautiful news!! Can’t wait to see it!!

  11. Anxious to see it.

  12. Melva Keays /

    Thank You Thank You — Best News! Can’t wait to see it.