We Want To Hear From You! Your Feedback Is Appreciated!

Aug 06

At AmeriPlan Corporate, our goal is to provide you the best service and support possible. We’re listening and we want to hear back from YOU, our Members, IBO’s and Providers. Good or bad, positive or indifferent, we want your feedback to help us improve our products, services and support. Help us, help you!

Your AmeriPlan Team is dedicated to providing our members and IBOs the latest information, direction and advocacy through our Provider Relations and Customer Support Teams. Your thoughts are important to us. We take all feedback seriously and welcome your correspondence to help AmeriPlan better serve you.

Contact AmeriPlan

Email: customersupport@ameriplanusa.com

Phone Support
Provider Relations: 800-256-3368
Customer Support: 800-647-8421
IBO Support: 469-229-4501

Thank You.


  1. Randall Merritt /

    on the back office there’s no way to change your address as I have moved and need to update my address this is a problem and need to be fixed.

    • Hello Randall,

      Michael with AmeriPlan Corp. That is a task for the AmeriPlan customer support team. We would have to do this manually.

      thank you,

      Below are the AmeriPlan Customer Support contacts.

      Contact AmeriPlan
      Email: customersupport@ameriplanusa.com

      Phone Support
      Provider Relations: 800-256-3368
      Customer Support: 800-647-8421
      IBO Support: 469-229-4501

  2. I have ibo’s that came in on the promotion specials hoping that they would surpass the monthly requirement.
    most did not but wanted to stay in for the minimum package, at that time it was $50.00 now the package is 150.00 which is a good value if they work it. However, they want to keep the membership just can’t afford to. Will there be any other alternative offered just to keep them Active.? Debera Scott
    text/ Cell

    • Hi Debera,

      Michael with AmeriPlan Corp. Good question. I don’t have the correct answer but so if I could recommend you to the AmeriPlan support team. Please take note normal business hours 9 am to 5 pm M-F.

      Below are the AmeriPlan Customer Support contacts.

      Contact AmeriPlan
      Email: customersupport@ameriplanusa.com

      Phone Support
      Provider Relations: 800-256-3368
      Customer Support: 800-647-8421
      IBO Support: 469-229-4501