New AmeriPlan Providers Added in The 1st Quarter Of 2016

Feb 19

New AmeriPlan Providers Added in The 1st Quarter Of 2016

Congratulations goes out to the Provider Relations Department at AmeriPlan!!!

They have been working diligently with our current providers while continuing to add new providers to our proprietary network. During the first quarter of 2016 they have successfully contracted with 102 NEW provider locations!

Since January 1 of this year we have added 102 new practice locations.  Of that 102, 67 are dental offices spanning 14 states.  32 are medical related services such as Radiology Centers, Social Workers and Physical Therapy and 3 are Chiropractors.



This means we have :

New Dentists                                        67

New Chiropractors                              3

Health Care Related Services            32

Giving us a total of 102 new providers, some of which practice at multiple locations.

AmeriPlan always working to give YOU a brighter future.

One comment

  1. “Way to go AmeriPlan.” Always working to make things just a little bit easier for everyone to take care of themselves!!