It’s Official… AmeriPlan Has Launched The New Membership/Marketing Website TODAY!
Apr 06
The New AmeriPlan Member Site Is LIVE!
The New AmeriPlan Member Sign Up Site is officially rolling and live!
Do you have any questions? I am sure you do!
Reach out to our Director of Digital Marketing:
Here are the FAQs most IBOs are asking!
1. How do I use the new membership site?
A: To use the site, you have two options:
• Your IBO number
• Your Custom User name
We recommend you use a custom user name example:
2. Where and how do I set my contact preferences?
A: To set all Contact Info Fields, simply go to your “Back Office” and log on and click the “Market Sites” tab located on the left sidebar. Next, click the “Save Money Profile” link. Here you can update your Name, City, State, and now, your business Phone that will be displayed on the new site.
The next three Fields are important as well.
• The first field should have your full name. We recommend using your full name as it will be displayed as your Sponsor Name on the confirmation page and email that will be sent to your new member.
• The next field should already have your working email, if not, update.
• The third and final field is for your Business Facebook Page. Here you can place just the facebook name that will link your prospects back to your business facebook page.
Please not if you Do Not have or place a Facebook page link, the system will default to the SWDH facebook page.
3. Where do I apply my Custom User Name?
A: Your “Custom User Name” may already be in use, but it would be smart to check and see. In your “Back Office” click the “Save Money User Name” link. This will take you to the section that applies your custom user name. Here you will see two editable fields. This will display your custom user name on the new Member Sign site. The second field should also have the same custom user name. Both names effect certain website, which are clearly noted.
* Please give it at least 10 minutes for the system to update. We are using a New Cloud Server, so there is a slight delay for all updates to convert.
If all fields are set correctly, you new url should be ready to use and will display your contact info in the top right corner of each page. We recommend you go to your personal page, check and see if your name populates, your business phone is correct, click and check that your email is working and correct, and if you have a facebook link, check and see that the link directs to your business facebook page.
Now that your personal SWDH website is set with your personal contact info, please BOOKMARK the url and use it to share and post to all your prospect. If you advertise, make sure and use your personal url and make it easy for any possible members to click and go!
More to come, so stay tuned for further updates.
AmeriPlan USA
Love love love this and all you guys do for us!!!! Thank you!!!
This is awesome! Get ready for more to come! This is just what we needed!
Thank You Lorene,
Yes indeed! Expect more tools, website updates, and announcements to come.
Great things are happening!
Michael Insuaste
Director of Digital Marketing
Ameriplan Corporation
5700 Democracy Drive
Plano, TX 75024-7124
(469) 229-4341 Office
(469) 229-4122 Fax
Can’t Wait, I’m excited
Thank You Shawna-Kay,
Please reach out if you have any comments, questions or suggestions.
Before you use or share the site to your prospects, make sure and log into your ‘Save Money Profile’ in the back office to update your contact info. We have placed a few NEW FIELDS that require direct action such as phone number, email and even a Facebook page field.
I am also available if you need any helps.
Michael Insuaste
Director of Digital Marketing
Ameriplan Corporation
5700 Democracy Drive
Plano, TX 75024-7124
(469) 229-4341 Office
(469) 229-4122 Fax
Thank you! We are super excited about the new membership/marketing site!
Thanks Janie.
I was great talking with you and getting your input. Our goal is to convert ALL AmeriPlan websites to the new responsive mobile friendly with a new fresh look. One step at a time.
Michael Insuaste
Director of Digital Marketing
Ameriplan Corporation
5700 Democracy Drive
Plano, TX 75024-7124
(469) 229-4341 Office
(469) 229-4122 Fax
Are customers able to purchase from this site? Do we receive notification via email of new members like with the other ICP sites? Really excited about being able to use this!
Hi Arizona,
That is a great question and it has not been brought as up yet. Here is what is in process.
We are adding an “Email Confirmation” to the new site
The confirmation with be slightly different than before and will have more info about your new member sign up. We should have the email confirmation ready and working by the end of next week.
Thanks for the great question.
Michael Insuaste
Director of Digital Marketing
Ameriplan Corporation
5700 Democracy Drive
Plano, TX 75024-7124
(469) 229-4341 Office
(469) 229-4122 Fax
Hello Arizona,
We now have in place an “Email Confirmation Notification” solution when a member signs up on a IBOs site
The IBO will receive an email confirmation invoice PDF that will have the new members complete sign up information.
Thanks for bring up this issue to our attention.
Michael Insuaste
Director of Digital Marketing
Ameriplan Corporation
5700 Democracy Drive
Plano, TX 75024-7124
(469) 229-4341 Office
(469) 229-4122 Fax
Thank you for always thinking of how we can get it done better. Time is money. We love you for all you do. GoGoGoGo Freedomathometeam..
Thank You Francine. Please let us know if you have any questions about the new site or if you need help setting up your Custom User Name, Phone, Email or Facebook Page link.
PLEASE feel free and contact IBO support at: IBO Support: (469) 229-4501 opt. 3
Monday thru Thursday 8 am to 5 pm
Friday 8 am to 4 pm
Central Time Zone