A Warm Sincere Good-bye To AmeriPlan’s Vice President of Sales Linda Rowden.

Oct 27

On Saturday, October 25, 2014 the AmeriPlan family lost a pioneer, a great leader, a friend, a motivator and mentor, Linda Rowden. Linda had been a member of the AmeriPlan family since 1999, starting out as the AmeriPlan IBO Benefits Director. However, it wasn’t long before her people, communications and leadership skills earned her a position as Vice President of Sales.

It is best said by those that had the opportunity to work with her just how everyone felt about Linda. She was known as “Queen Bee” to everyone at AmeriPlan.

When she first became my boss four years ago, I thought, “Oh God, why me”. Thankfully, Linda looked past my negative disposition and taught me a lot about hard work and family. Linda ALWAYS found a reason for a meeting and that drove me crazy. We would always have a meeting about the meeting we just had ten minutes ago! Over the years I learned to appreciate those meetings because of the lessons that I learned from her. About 10 days ago, Joe, Gabe and I sat down for our last meeting with “Boss Lady” and we will cherish that time forever. I look forward to having a meeting with Linda and God in Heaven some day. I love you Boss lady! ~ Marcus Williams

Yesterday I lost my friend, mentor and mother figure Linda (Queen Bee) Rowden! I will miss our daily talks in your office where you helped make me a better Husband, Father and all around better Man! (ok…I’ll even miss those not so fun talks that my wild self usually caused) You might be gone, but you will never be forgotten. ~ Joe Kerr

Mother Figure, Friend, Advisor, Encourager, Enforcer ~ Lorene Brown Watkins

A very dear friend and business associate has passed, Linda Rowden has always kicked my butt when I needed it the most and even when I didnt. She believed in me when there were times I didnt believe in myself. I will surely Miss my dear friend Linda. But alas I know she’ll be watching over me kicking my butt from heaven!! I can’t imagine the business without her. RIP Linda. I love you. ~ Michelle Stefferson Barrett

So sad to hear this news. I have every email she ever sent me. Linda was one amazing lady who kept us all in check. She loved everyone and will be missed. Prayers for you, everyone at our corporate office and her family during this time of healing. ~ Debbie Hanson

What a classy lady, always shared love, compassion, kindness, wisdom, loyalty, and loved our Ameriplan family, it was never about my team or your team but all about the Ameriplan Team!!! We love you and will always miss you. ~ The Corza Family

I’m so happy to have had a coach, friend and sincere sweet human being in what seems like a short amount of time. She will be missed from every convention going forth, see you in the new system. ~ Debera Scott

Getting the opportunity to meet Linda was very inspiring. Her love of life and family taught us all the true meaning of what is it important. We will all miss her infectious smile and spirit. She is truly the AmeriPlan “Queen” and there will never be another one like her.

Her service will be Wednesday at 2:00pm
Lovers Lane United Methodist Church
Shipp Chapel
9200 Inwood Road
Dallas, TX 75220

Flowers are appreciated, however, in lieu of flowers you may donate
To the Melanoma Research Alliance


  1. Love you guys!! You are all in my thoughts and prayers. It is still our job to make her proud 🙂

  2. Dee Petrov /

    Wow! It is truly and honor to have known Linda through the years. She was an Encourager, Teacher, Coach and Friend. Even when she had to give you a hard lesson, she made you feel good about it. I will always cherish her memory. This is what life is all about. “what will people say about you when you’re no longer here” what an IMPACT she had on us all!!!!!

  3. Sheila Poynter /

    What a huge loss. Linda was always there for me from day one. Encouraged me, held my hand then said You’ve got this just do it–and I did. She will always be my Ameriplan mom and will always be with me.

  4. Pat Hall /

    I miss Linda so much just knowing I can’t give her a call or email her. She was always someone you felt as if you could go to, count on and respect. She leaves a void that we will always feel. I miss you Linda.

  5. We’ll all miss you, Linda. RIP

  6. I will always remember how my wife and I were treated by Linda on those top producer trips, she was always so friendly. will always remember that beautiful laugh. will miss you so much my friend…Peace

  7. Ken & Gretchen Hickman /

    Linda has been a blessing to us for 15 years, as we were growing our business.

    She was full of compassion and honesty. What an excellent coach and friend. God Bless you, Linda..We will miss you greatly.

  8. WOW!! So sad to hear of this loss!! I had the pleasure of working with Linda a few times helping me get things done and she IS THE ONE to help make it happen. God, thank you for blessing us with Linda in our lives. Our condolences to Linda’s family!!

  9. Veronica Callaway-Muhammad /

    From one “BossLady” to the other Boss Lady, Rest In Heaven Linda Rowden!! We will truly miss your beautiful smile, your encouraging words and the love you had for our Ameriplan Family!!! May God Bless your family and the Ameriplan Family.