UPDATE: Save With Discount Healthcare Email Confirmation Notification PDF Solution

Apr 14

Member Site Update

It was brought to our attention that there was NOT an Email Confirmation Notification in place on the new member site SaveWithDiscountHealthcare.com (SWDHC) process.

We now have in place an “Email Confirmation Notification” solution.

When a new member signs up on the IBOs SaveWithDiscountHealthcare.com site, the IBO will receive an email confirmation invoice in a PDF form. The form will have the new members complete sign up information.

We appreciate all the feedback and suggestions brought forth from the field as we are still working and correcting certain areas of the new member site (SWDHC).

AmeriPlan Corporate


  1. Kay Rigotti /

    Thank you for providing this helpful and vital information as I move forward in the process as a Newbie to the company.
    Best Regards,


    • Hello Kay,

      You’re welcome. Let us know how we can help you.

      Remember IBO support is available:
      IBO Support: (469) 229-4501 opt. 3
      Monday thru Thursday 8 am to 5 pm
      Friday 8 am to 4 pm
      Central Time Zone
