New AmeriPlan Member Site IBO Phone Issue Is Now Fixed!

Mar 25

We Have Fixed The Issue!

Hello AmeriPlan IBOs,

We have now fixed the IBO Phone Number issue that effects the new Membership site, As requested, all IBOs can now place a business phone number to your personal profile.

This number will display on the new Membership website when logged on with your IBO number (ex: 1234567) or User Name (ex: JohnDoe).

How To Apply Your Phone Number:
First, log into your Back Office.
Second, on the left hand
 side, click on the Marketing tab.
Third, click on Save Money

Here you will find the new Phone Number Field where you can apply the number that will appear on the top right corner of every page of the new Membership site.

Please be aware that this number will ONLY appear on the new Membership site,

We recommend you apply a phone number that you will be using for business purposes. If you rather not have a phone number displayed, simply leave the Phone Number Field blank.

NOTE: As a default, the Phone Field will remain empty until you update and apply a working number.

We appreciate your patience and feedback. Please keep all suggestions  coming. We take all comments and suggestion seriously and we will do what we can to accommodate all feedback.

AmeriPlan USA



  1. Laurie /

    The email address is pulling from that old file also…..I changed mine last year and the contact email that is showing on the new site is my old email. Thanks, Laurie:)

    • Hi Laurie,

      Wanted to let you know you can now update your email and add a phone number to your profile that will reflect on the top right hand corner of the new Membership site. Once logged on, your name, phone and email will be displayed on every page.

      To convert the new Membership site to your personal site for sign ups, replace the www with your custom name or IBO number. Make sure you include the dot (.) and for good measure, bookmark your personal page on your PC, tablet and cell phone so you can remember and share it without having to type it out and possible make an error.

      How To Update Your Profile:
      First, log onto your Back Office.
      Second, on the left handside, click on the Marketing Sites tab.
      Third, click on Save Money Profile.

      Here you will can update all contact info that will display on your page like; name, phone, email.

      If you need more help, contact IBO Support: (469) 229-4501 opt. 3

      Thanks for your patience.
      Michael Insuaste
      Director of Digital Marketing
      Ameriplan Corporation
      5700 Democracy Drive
      Plano, TX 75024-7124
      (469) 229-4341 Office
      (469) 229-4122 Fax

  2. Alan Ivers /

    The site looks great. With this replace our 5 marketing websites? Could we show, when finished to prospects? Will you be adding a “Join us” feature? It’s great that it can be changed into Spanish with a click of a button. I can’t wait for the finished product.

    • Hello Alan,

      Thanks for the feedback.

      Yes, please use the new site to prospects. But make sure you share your personal URL with your custom name or IBO number.

      Not sure about the “Join Us” feature, I can ask and see and get back to you at a later date.

      The Spanish language translator is a nice feature. Because it is a Google function, we are limited to its use. So it may not be perfect. We are looking onto certain options as we move forward.

      The new Membership Sign Up site is the new wave and direction we will be taking all the AmeriPlan websites in the near future. But this will take some time to develop and implement.

      Yes, the new site can be converted to YOUR personal page when you apply your Custom Name or IBO number in place of the WWW in the url. Make sure and include the dot (.) or your page will not work.

      You may need to update your profile. Your contact info will display at the top right corner of every page, so please make sure and check and have your profile updated. Below are instruction how to.

      How To Update Your Profile:
      First, log onto your Back Office.
      Second, on the left handside, click on the Marketing Sites tab.
      Third, click on Save Money Profile.

      For good measure, bookmark your personal page on your PC, tablet and cell phone so you can remember and share it without having to type it out and possible make an error.

      If you need more help, contact IBO Support: (469) 229-4501 opt. 3

      Michael Insuaste
      Director of Digital Marketing
      Ameriplan Corporation
      5700 Democracy Drive
      Plano, TX 75024-7124
      (469) 229-4341 Office
      (469) 229-4122 Fax

  3. This is a wonderful addition. carolej

    • Thank You Carole.
      Please reach out with any questions you may have.

      If you need more help, contact IBO Support: (469) 229-4501 opt. 3

      I am also available as well. Email works best.

      Michael Insuaste
      Director of Digital Marketing
      Ameriplan Corporation
      5700 Democracy Drive
      Plano, TX 75024-7124
      (469) 229-4341 Office
      (469) 229-4122 Fax

  4. HI Michael, what about the Facebook and chat feature at the top of the page. Can that be personalized as well. It will help to ensure that our member prospects end up enrolling on our site and not the parent savewithdiscounthealthcare site inadvertently if it is allowed to be personalized as well. And also the phone # etc. in the footer section?

    • Hi Marci,

      Thanks for your comment. We are giving all comments, suggestions and feedback serious thought. After speaking with our corporate IT team, we are looking into adding a Facebook field in the IBOs Save Money Profile section that will allow each IBO the option of adding their Facebook page link. This will take some time to implement, so stay tuned for that feature to be placed. I will announce it on the AmeriPlan blog and social network pages.

      As for the Chat feature, we feel that needs to remain as is since the Chat is handled on our system and it allows corporate to answer questions a user/member may have whether they are on the site through an IBO’s page or the standard website. Our Chat reps here at the corporate office are instructed to ask if the person chatting is coming from an IBOs page via the contact name displayed on the top right corner of the site. If so, and they want to sign up, it will be applied to the IBO.

      The same thought goes to the footer section. The contact info in the footer is clearly for the corporate office displaying the corp. 800 number, address, date & times corp. is available. It’s placed at the bottom of each page incase the user or member needs to contact corporate for legal or other business matters that may need to be addressed.

      The main purpose of the new website is to give the AmeriPlan healthcare products a presence on the internet market. We are marketing the site using certain keywords and phrases that focus on savings, value and affordability. We are NOT marketing AmeriPlan as a keyword or in a phrase. Using Google Ad Words and analytics we will be able to determine what keywords and phrases are diving traffic to the site. Changes will apply as we get to see certain keywords being used. As we move forward, the residuals acquired through organic sign ups will be invested back to our Google Ad words advertising budget.

      There will also a plan that will distribute part of the residuals back to an IBO pool that will be distributed to the field. That plan is still in the works, so stay tuned for further info directly from the corporate office.

      Our work doesn’t stop here. Other ideas are in the works that will be announced as we get a structure in place.

      Thanks for your comments and suggestions. Remember you can contact me directly via email at
